Mobile World Congress 2018 Brokerage Event
Paula Rico
Brokerage event
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Once more, don't miss the opportunity to meet international organizations, establish connections, and build productive relationships to accomplish your future innovative projects and reach the business goals you have in mind! New! 10 Corporates scouting Technology will be waiting for you if your profile matches the challenges! Since 2006, Mobile World Congress Brokerage Event has enabled organizations to find partners for international cooperation. Over the last 11 years, over 5.000 organizations from 43 countries participated at MWC Brokerage Event and more than 12.000 meetings took place. Fee: Participation in the Brokerage Event is 310€ Additional Support: •Support from your local EEN (Enterprise Europe Network) partner during the registration process and profile creation to ensure promising and fruitful discussions. •Assistance from EEN staff throughout the event. Go international! +info: