Eurofinish Matchmaking Event

Magali Parent IWT- EEN Flanders 32 2 432 42 42

Wednesday September 28th 2011, Enterprise Europe Network Flanders and the Eureka E!-SURF action are organizing a seminar annex matchmaking event on coating and surface treatment techniques.


In the morning, 20 speakers will have the opportunity to briefly - elevator pitch - present their project idea or innovation. This will be followed by a brainstorm session for some of the project ideas. In the afternoon, one-to-one meetings take place, where matching partners can be found for technology offers and requests, or for developing project ideas.

The web tool with detailed info for registration and submission of proposal abstracts as well as for technology offers and requests can be found at These entries results in the online catalogue. Based on the catalogue, meeting requests can be submitted.  Furthermore, during the seminar the audience will have  the opportunity to request (extra) meetings with the speakers.

The event is supported by the European Commission European SME Week 2011 initiative (


Eurofinish fair :

Matchmaking and registration :






Desde Sep 27, 2011
Hasta Sep 29, 2011