Conference on Hyperspectral Imaging in Industry & Brokerage Event

Brokerage event

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CHII2016 is the first conference focusing on current and future hyperspectral developments for industrial applications. The aim is to bring together the main stakeholders in the field of hyperspectral imaging, to exchange knowledge and to plan for future collaboration projects. The conference is based on a unique concept featuring presentations, seminars, showcases and a brokerage event for pre-planned face-to-face meetings.

About the Conference

CHII2016 is the first conference focusing on current and future hyperspectral developments for industrial applications. The aim is to bring together the main stakeholders in the field of hyperspectral imaging, to exchange knowledge and to plan for future collaboration projects. The conference is based on a unique concept featuring presentations, seminars, showcases and a brokerage event for pre-planned face-to-face meetings.

Interdisciplinary Crosslink

The hyperspectral community is comprised of very diverse stakeholders. While instrument suppliers are primarily focused on the technical details of their cameras, researchers of hyperspectral methodology strive to find even the smallest spectral details. On the other hand, application engineers need to develop new solutions and must be able to integrate hyperspectral cameras into existing machines and handle them intuitively.

CHII2016 acts as an interdisciplinary crosslink between application developers, instrument developers and methodology developers.

Industrial focus and cross clustering

By placing the focus on industry in general, this allows the exchange of experience between participants from various fields of application such as food processing, recycling or medical/pharmaceutical areas. With this goal in mind, the international clusters SpectroNet, ECO World Styria and Styria, together with Perception Park, decided to launch this unique conference, which is also supported by the Enterprise Europe Network and the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG).



Desde Jun 15, 2016
Hasta Jun 16, 2016
Esta jornada está cofinanciada por la Enterprise Europe Network