EU Commission launches fruit and vegetable Market Observatory

Officially launched, the new fruit and vegetable market Observatory will provide greater transparency and short-term analysis to a key sector for European agriculture. Fruit and vegetables represent around 24% of the EU agricultural output value.

The market observatory will be regularly updated with a wide range of market data such as prices, production and trade. Those will be complemented by market analysis, short-term outlook reports, medium-term prospects, and regular board meetings composed of market experts to discuss the market’s state of play.

The observatory will focus on pip fruit (apples and pears), citrus fruit, stone fruit (peaches and nectarines), and tomatoes.

After the launch of observatories for crops, sugar, meat and milk, the fruit and vegetable sector is the latest one to benefit from an observatory. It will be closely followed by the wine market observatory, which will be launched on 4 November.

The European Commission designed these observatories to help the European agriculture sector to cope more effectively with market volatility and ensure more transparency.

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